GUADEC 2015, Gotenburg

This year GUADEC’s (Gnome User and Developers European Conference) 2015 conference was held in Gotenburg this year, from August 7 – 9 after which, there were BOFs and Hackfests from August 10 – 12. The conference has a variety of Keynotes, Lectures (Talks) and Lightning-Talks. Talks go in depth about a specific topic giving details about interesting…

GSoC 2015 Updates

As part of my GSoC this summer, I was making a DBus api for coala. Recently, we completed the basic api which is fairly usable 🙂 The coala DBus API essentially creates a server which can have multiple clients connected to it. The clients communicate to the coala server using DBus. To start the server,…

python-dbus and Continuous Integration

Recently in my Gnome GSoC 2015 project, I had to setup continuous integration for dbus in Travis, Scrutinizer and Cricle-CI. All three are pretty well known, and yet I had quite some difficulties in setting it up correctly. The main issue with this arises due to the fact that they use virtualenv to handle python versions inside…

gedit-code-assistance in jhbuild

Since I began working on my GSoC project a while back with gnome, I was introduced to Vala, Autogen and jhbuild. Here, I describe how to get gedit-code-assistance working in jhbuild as it’s not as simple a process as I hoped it would be.

gnome – submitting a patch

As part of gnome’s GSoC project, I was learning to submit a patch to gnome, so I thought : Why not blog about it ?

GSOC 2015 begins

Yesterday, I got selected in GSOC 2015 under the GNOME organization. My project will be aimed at making gedit better suited for programmers – giving them better messages and warning regarding their code (in the editor). It consists of making a static code analysis plugin for gedit using coala-analyzer. I will be mentored by Lasse Schuirmann (blog), and…

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